3 Reasons Consultants Should Specialize

Originally posted 1-9-2023 on Typeshare

Over the years I’ve worked with many consultants who would rather stick pins in their eyes than focus on a specific service for a specific target audience.

But being ultra-specific makes growing your business faster and much more lucrative.

Reason #1: You’ll eliminate competitors

The supply of consultants in every category has exploded. Clients are swamped with options, most of whom look exactly alike.

By specializing in a particular area, you stand out from the crowd, narrow the number of competitors and make it easier for buyers to understand why they should choose you.

Reason #2: You’ll connect with more potential clients

It’s a noisy marketplace and the most important factor in getting prospects to pay attention is relevance.

Are you talking to me and do you understand what I need?

The more you narrow your market, the more they have in common and the more specific you can be about your prospect’s problem in their language.

Reason #3: You can charge higher fees

Nobody goes to a generalist for heart surgery.

The best clients will pay a premium for specialized knowledge and expertise that can help them solve complex problems or take advantage of opportunities in their industry.

Picking a specialty from all the available options may seem painful, but every client I’ve helped specialize has quickly had more success.


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