Revolutionize Your B2B Prospecting: The Secret Power of Non-searchable Criteria

For B2B consultants, it’s a familiar drill - you input your ideal client parameters into LinkedIn or Sales Navigator, sift through profiles based on typical criteria like company size, location, industry, and title, and voilà, you have your prospect list.

But guess what. So do your competitors.

Time to take it a step further. How about incorporating some non-searchable criteria (data you can't scrape off with a search engine) into your prospecting routine?

The Magic of the Unsearchable

Non-searchable information can be anything from your prospect's work history, their personality type, their values and interests, to the company culture they thrive in.

It may sound like overkill, but these little nuggets of information give you a substantial edge in the competitive world of B2B consulting.

How so, you ask?

First, your outreach becomes far more targeted and personalized. This is not a list your competitors have; it's your unique gold mine.

The result? Skyrocketing acceptance rates.

Prospects sense the human touch in your approach, and it's not something a bot can emulate.

Read that last part again. All the spammy automated outreach can’t focus on unsearchable criteria (at least not yet). You’ve left your competitors in the dust.

Second, your chances of finding and closing more opportunities increase. You connect on a deeper level with prospects, attracting those who truly value your services, and building an emotional bond that fosters business relationships.

Unearth the Hidden Gems: An Illustration

So, why isn't everyone doing this? The answer is simple - it takes effort and can't be automated. But believe me, it’s worth it.

Here’s an example. Imagine you're an executive coach for Chief Information Officers (CIOs) at companies with 500+ employees in the midwest. A search engine can quickly provide a list of such profiles.

But here's the catch - you specialize in helping CIOs secure a place at the executive team table. So, you need CIOs who are genuinely interested in leadership, not just technology management.

Finding these folks requires the human touch. It involves going through LinkedIn profiles of potential candidates, reading between the lines of how they describe themselves and their roles.

Do they express an interest in leadership, team building, or contributing to corporate objectives? If yes, they make it to your "A" list. If they focus solely on tech jargon, they are likely not the right fit.

Now imagine the potential of zeroing in on this refined, specific "A" list. Your prospecting becomes a focused, powerful tool rather than a shot in the dark.

Ready to Delve Deeper?

B2B consulting is about more than surface-level connections. It's about understanding who your prospect is beyond their title and industry. So, dare to dig a little deeper. Embrace the power of non-searchable criteria.

Your future clients are waiting for you to find them.


How to Make Time for Outreach in B2B Consulting / Coaching


Why Consultants Need to Embrace Prospecting