Why 100 Meaningful LinkedIn Connections Matter More Than 10,000 Followers

Look, I get it. The moment you see someone on LinkedIn with tens of thousands of followers, there's this little voice that whispers, "That’s success!"

But let’s consider what "success" looks like for B2B consultants and coaches selling top-tier services.

Numbers: Impressive but Empty?

Big numbers are eye-catching. But in the game of expert consultation, it's not about playing to the gallery.

You could have 10,000 followers, but how many of them genuinely get what you offer? How many of them can you actually help? How many would you enjoy working with?

It's like having a big party with just a few people actually interested in talking to you.

The Real Deal with Quality Connections

Consulting is a trust game. Period. So, here’s what’s important:

Relevance: We're not generalists; we're specialists. Our circle should be people who can directly benefit from our insights and services. Or, to be blunt, people who can help us achieve our goals.

Engagement: Fewer connections mean deeper conversations. Instead of getting lost in the noise, you can have genuine interactions.

Referral Power: A handful of solid connections will vouch for you in ways a fleeting crowd ever will.

The Pitfalls of Playing to the Masses

Going after sheer number of followers is like trying to be at ten places at once:

  • Your feed becomes noisy. The real conversations? Lost.

  • Content starts feeling generic because you're trying to cater to everyone.

  • You spend so much time on the platform but get little in return.

Bottom line: little real interest in working with you.

Let’s Get Strategic

So, how do we do this right?

1. Choose wisely.

Not everyone on LinkedIn needs to be in your circle. Focus on those who align with your expertise.

2. Engage like you mean it.

Ditch the shallow hellos. Dive into substantial discussions. Challenge viewpoints, share your experiences.

3. Speak directly.

Your content should feel like you’re talking to your ideal client. Cut the fluff and address what matters to them.

Be present where it counts.

Being a B2B consultant or executive coach isn't about chasing numbers—it's about building trust and showcasing expertise.

So, next time you feel the itch to bump up that follower count, remember: depth beats breadth.


That 100-strong, solid network? It’s your goldmine.


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LinkedIn versus sales navigator