Ideas for finding and converting strangers to extraordinary clients and partners
Conversations Starters is written and edited for B2B consultants and coaches who want to build more and better business relationships, achieve visible thought leadership roles and serve more of the clients you deserve.
There are no hacks or gaming of the system here.. If you want sound ideas and advice about how to look good, sound good and fill your sales pipeline, you’ve come to the right place. Welcome!
LinkedIn Reconnection Message – Do Not Try This at Work
Lately I’ve been getting a raft of messages from LinkedIn connections wanting to get reacquainted. This is not a bad idea. In fact, your LinkedIn 1st degree network can be a treasure chest of potential clients you’ve allowed to go cold.
How to Effectively Use Hashtags on LinkedIn
LinkedIn wants you to start using hashtags. And, I think it’s about time. For platforms, like Twitter and Instagram, hashtags are an essential ingredient to the social posting recipe.
How To Weave Authenticity Into Your Social Media Marketing
Robert Nissenbaum of Tactical Social Media joins Social Matters to discuss how taking an authentic approach to social media marketing can amplify your online efforts and deepen relationships online. We asked Robert to share his insights on better ways to weave authenticity into our content, social media posts and interactions.
7 Reasons Why LinkedIn is the Best Social Media Network for Professional Services
While social media has long been prominent for business-to-business firms in industries such as tech, telcom and media, many professional services firms are just now beginning to embrace this powerful business development channel. One thing that holds many firms back is not knowing on which network to start.
What Is a B2B Influencer Marketing Program?
Influencer marketing programs are becoming one of the most powerful ways to reach your audience, increase thought leadership, raise brand awareness and help you develop relationships. Your audience is listening to a group of someones, and those someones are the influencers you should include in your influencer marketing program.
How CEOs Can Use Twitter to Improve Visibility and Brand Awareness
Before you start exploring how to use Twitter for raising brand awareness and improving visibility, I strongly suggest you solidify your approach to using LinkedIn. Finished? Read on.
B2B Sales and Marketing Highlights from the 2016 LinkedIn User Survey
Wayne was a skeptic before he became an outspoken proponent of LinkedIn and is passionate about helping business professionals use LinkedIn more effectively to build their businesses and personal brands.
What Your Social Media Program Is Missing Without Employee Advocacy
One way to maximize your return on investment in your social media program is to explore the benefits of an integrated employee advocacy program.
LinkedIn Plus Twitter: Supercharge Growth With This Power Duo
Building relationships with most everyone you meet is a sure-footed way to steadily build and earn business. The reason this works so well is because trust is the soul of sales.
Why Professional Services Firms Are Investing in Social Media and You Should Too
Over the last ten years or so there has been a profound change in the way buyers make buying decisions. If you’re in charge of bringing in new clients for your business, I’m confident you already know this.